2019 Pass Fail Refusal Fail Dangerous Total
Full Tests 598,761 (49.9%) 521,646 (43.4%) 80,928 (6.7%) 1,201,335
Re-Tests 562,079 (92.3%) 44,191 (7.3%) 2,416 (.4%) 608,686

Some interesting Statistics on the NCT, the Fail Refusal rate is down from the 2018 figures but the Fail Dangerous figures is up a little. Up from 37,191 (2.8%) to 80,928 (6.7%) !!, perhaps this isn’t a little, its a lot.

Unfortunately in our daily routine we still see evidence of this. We see cars coming in with such defects that they shouldn’t even be on the road. The fact that they are still on the road highlights the lack of RSA or Garda Checkpoints.

Really from a safety point of view we’d love to see less dangerous vehicles on the road. Less vehicles with poor quality budget tyres that will definitely not assist in an emergency stop. The better the brand of tyre the less distance required to stop, FACT.

We do see a drop in premium tyre prices and this has definitely made a difference for some consumers when choosing a brand. Michelin are the real ground breakers here, we’ve seen a 33% increase across  the entire Michelin range which really shows that people who do care, care a little more now and are choosing better brands. Long may this continue.

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